更好的工作,更美好的世界:BW Flexible Systems的Chris Murphy

August 29, 2024
  • Kayla Augdahl
    Communications Specialist

在成为BW Flexible Systems战略和业务优化高级财务主管之前, 克里斯·墨菲是一名会计,对他在另一家公司的职位不满意. 作为一个有才能、有动力的人,正在寻找一个更有成就感的角色, he received an influx of messages from job recruiters, but one particular interaction stood out:

"I have the company for you," the recruiter said. "Everyone I place there is there forever. At some companies, 我知道我将在三到六个月内收到他们的回复, but every time I place them at Barry-Wehmiller, they're going to be there for a long time."

这引起了克里斯的兴趣,所以他决定申请成本分析师的职位 BW Flexible Systems, part of our BW Packaging group of companies in Duncan, South Carolina. BW柔性系统制造包装设备,填充和袋装数千种食品和非食品产品. So, when you go to your local grocery store, the items you see on the shelf like bakery items, confectionery snack foods, frozen foods, fresh produce, cheese and many more, could have been packaged on a BW Flexible Systems machine. And when it comes to non-food products, their machines help package pet food, personal care, pharmaceutical, agricultural, paper and mail sorting and collating, and industrial products.

克里斯于2022年加入BW Flexible Systems,招聘人员的话听起来是真的. Two years later, 克里斯仍然在公司工作,并已晋升为战略和业务优化的高级财务主管.

In his role, 克里斯将BW灵活系统的各个方面联系起来,以了解它们对利润和亏损的影响&L) statements. At the beginning of each month, he forecasts revenue, utilization, 费用和其他关键指标,以确保达到整个月的目标. 而不是让结果的所有权完全落在那些高层, 克里斯和每个人一起工作,向他们展示如何拥有这些数字.

克里斯喜欢他的日常工作的实际和分析方面, 但他一直留在这家公司,因为他觉得他的团队成员对他的为人表现出了真正的兴趣.

“(Barry-Wehmiller的)使命宣言是让人们变得更好, and from day one, especially involving the interview process, 他们想要了解我,因为他们会经常和我一起工作," Chris said. "So, it really felt like I was not walking into someplace new, 但我走进一栋大楼,第一天我就认识10个人了."

Before joining Barry-Wehmiller, Chris was skeptical of vision statements, 经常把它们看作是贴在办公室墙上的文字,以掩盖更深层次的问题, such as the prioritization of profits over people. But as he immersed himself in Barry-Wehmiller's culture, he realized that vision statements can be more than just empty marketing slogans; they can truly guide daily actions.

Barry-Wehmiller的《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您》是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的文化愿景, embodied within a sustainable business model, 这促进了推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜每个团队成员的个人成长. 它的核心信念是,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜可以通过触及他人生活的方式来衡量成功. We're proud of our business, but our vision extends far beyond the lives we touch through the practical products our machines create; it reminds us to treat everyone how we would want to be treated.

To hone these interpersonal skills, Barry-Wehmiller University (BWU), our internal learning program, 为团队成员提供免费课程,比如倾听和服务他人. When Chris took Listen Like a Leader, 他获得了在办公室内外运用的技能.

“我在‘像领导者一样倾听’课程中学到的是如何在信任的基础上建立关系," Chris said. "… Even looking at things like DISC, I always used to talk to everyone the same way, but if I realize someone who has a strong S category, it's going to influence how I interact with them. And once we are more compatible on those wavelengths, 你会在工作和个人生活中找到更深层次的对话."

BWU像领导者一样倾听课程教授四种不同的行为倾向模式, otherwise known as DISC (Dominate, Influence, Steady, 尽责),帮助推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜更好地了解自己和他人,了解推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜是如何自然地适应并在周围的世界中运作的.

In the work environment, Barry-Wehmiller对倾听和个人成长的承诺使Chris能够在别人面前敞开心扉,在会议上分享想法, 这是他在以前的组织里感到不舒服的事情.

"They're really open to ideas," Chris said. “他们不是一家自认为事事完美的公司. They want fresh ideas, they want new ideas, and even if I throw out a bad idea, it might get thrown on a board and lead to a good idea. 这让你感觉很棒,因为我曾经在公司里处于最底层, and you have to just sit there and listen. 如果你有一个好主意,你会因为太紧张而不敢说出来."

Barry-Wehmiller专注于建立牢固的关系,这使他与团队成员建立了超越工作时间的友谊. In his first month at the company, he went golfing with five different people, and his relationships have only gotten stronger over time.

"No matter what everyone's background was, 他们非常接受我和我对任何事情的看法," Chris said. "It really is like a big family here. Most of these people have been working 10, 15, 20 years, and I never felt like the new kid from day one, I was building friendships."

招聘人员的话就像单调的公司隧道尽头的一束光. 虽然克里斯在公司才两年, we hope he can stay 10, 15 or even 20 more.

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